Once your charging card arrives, you can activate it either in your Plugsurfing app or in the web portal. Here’s how it’s done.
In the app:
- Open the Plugsurfing app and log in
- Tap on "Account" at the bottom of the screen
- Tap on "Charging cards"
- Tap on "Activate charging card".
- You will see a blank field for input of your 12-digit EVCO ID code. Every code begins with the identical five digits, DE*8PS*. The remaining 7 digits are unique to your charging card. Fill in these digits to complete the charging card code.
- Tap on “Activate charging card”
In the web portal:
- Open the web portal and log in
- Click on "Charging keys" on the left-hand menu
- Under the heading Activate charging key, you will see a blank field for input of your 12-digit EVCO ID code. Every code begins with the identical five digits, DE*8PS*. The remaining 7 digits are unique to your charging card. Fill in these digits to complete the charging card code.
- Click on "Activate charging key"
That's it! You are ready to go and charge your electric car.
You can view all connected charging cards under the Charging cards section of the app or the web portal.
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